.. currentmodule:: gi.repository Text View ========= The :class:`Gtk.TextView` widget can be used to display and edit large amounts of formatted text. Like the :doc:`/tutorials/gtk4/list-widgets`, it has a model/view design. In this case the :class:`Gtk.TextBuffer` is the model which represents the text being edited. This allows two or more :class:`Gtk.TextView` widgets to share the same :class:`Gtk.TextBuffer`, and allows those text buffers to be displayed slightly differently. Or you could maintain several text buffers and choose to display each one at different times in the same :class:`Gtk.TextView` widget. .. seealso:: `Text Widget Overview`_ in the GTK documentation. The View -------- The :class:`Gtk.TextView` is the frontend with which the user can add, edit and delete textual data. They are commonly used to edit multiple lines of text. When creating a :class:`Gtk.TextView` it contains its own default :class:`Gtk.TextBuffer`, which is kept in the :attr:`Gtk.TextView.props.buffer` property. By default, text can be added, edited and removed from the :class:`Gtk.TextView`. You can disable this by changing :attr:`Gtk.TextView.props.editable`. If the text is not editable, you usually want to hide the text cursor with :attr:`Gtk.TextView.props.cursor_visible` as well. In some cases it may be useful to set the justification of the text with :attr:`Gtk.TextView.props.justification`. The text can be displayed at the left edge, (:attr:`Gtk.Justification.LEFT`), at the right edge (:attr:`Gtk.Justification.RIGHT`), centered (:attr:`Gtk.Justification.CENTER`), or distributed across the complete width (:attr:`Gtk.Justification.FILL`). Another default setting of the :class:`Gtk.TextView` widget is long lines of text will continue horizontally until a break is entered. To wrap the text and prevent it going off the edges of the screen set :attr:`Gtk.TextView.props.wrap_mode` similar to :doc:`/tutorials/gtk4/display-widgets/label`. The Model --------- The :class:`Gtk.TextBuffer` is the core of the :class:`Gtk.TextView` widget, and is used to hold whatever text is being displayed in the :class:`Gtk.TextView`. Setting and retrieving the contents is possible with :attr:`Gtk.TextBuffer.props.text`. However, most text manipulation is accomplished with *iterators*, represented by a :class:`Gtk.TextIter`. An iterator represents a position between two characters in the text buffer. Iterators are not valid indefinitely; whenever the buffer is modified in a way that affects the contents of the buffer, all outstanding iterators become invalid. Because of this, iterators can't be used to preserve positions across buffer modifications. To preserve a position, use :class:`Gtk.TextMark`. A text buffer contains two built-in marks; an "insert" mark (which is the position of the cursor) and the "selection_bound" mark. Both of them can be retrieved using :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.get_insert` and :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.get_selection_bound`, respectively. By default, the location of a :class:`Gtk.TextMark` is not shown. This can be changed by calling :meth:`Gtk.TextMark.set_visible`. Many methods exist to retrieve a :class:`Gtk.TextIter`. For instance, :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.get_start_iter` returns an iterator pointing to the first position in the text buffer, whereas :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.get_end_iter` returns an iterator pointing past the last valid character. Retrieving the bounds of the selected text can be achieved by calling :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.get_selection_bounds`. To insert text at a specific position use :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.insert`. Another useful method is :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.insert_at_cursor` which inserts text wherever the cursor may be currently positioned. To remove portions of the text buffer use :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.delete`. In addition, :class:`Gtk.TextIter` can be used to locate textual matches in the buffer using :meth:`Gtk.TextIter.forward_search` and :meth:`Gtk.TextIter.backward_search`. The start and end iters are used as the starting point of the search and move forwards/backwards depending on requirements. Tags ---- Text in a buffer can be marked with tags. A tag is an attribute that can be applied to some range of text. For example, a tag might be called "bold" and make the text inside the tag bold. However, the tag concept is more general than that; tags don't have to affect appearance. They can instead affect the behavior of mouse and key presses, "lock" a range of text so the user can't edit it, or countless other things. A tag is represented by a :class:`Gtk.TextTag` object. One :class:`Gtk.TextTag` can be applied to any number of text ranges in any number of buffers. Each tag is stored in a :class:`Gtk.TextTagTable`. A tag table defines a set of tags that can be used together. Each buffer has one tag table associated with it; only tags from that tag table can be used with the buffer. A single tag table can be shared between multiple buffers, however. To specify that some text in the buffer should have specific formatting, you must define a tag to hold that formatting information, and then apply that tag to the region of text using :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.create_tag` and :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.apply_tag`: .. code:: python tag = textbuffer.create_tag('orange_bg', background='orange') textbuffer.apply_tag(tag, start_iter, end_iter) The following are some of the common styles applied to text: * Background colour ("background" property) * Foreground colour ("foreground" property) * Underline ("underline" property) * Bold ("weight" property) * Italics ("style" property) * Strikethrough ("strikethrough" property) * Justification ("justification" property) * Size ("size" and "size-points" properties) * Text wrapping ("wrap-mode" property) You can also delete particular tags later using :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.remove_tag` or delete all tags in a given region by calling :meth:`Gtk.TextBuffer.remove_all_tags`. Example ------- .. image:: images/textview.png .. literalinclude:: examples/textview.py :linenos: .. _Text Widget Overview: https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/section-text-widget.html